Atom Content Marketing has produced articles, guides, briefings and case studies offering small business advice for more than 20 years.
Traditionally this content has been produced on behalf of corporate clients, but more recently, Atom decided to launch its own family of advice websites.
Introducing IT Donut
IT Donut is one member of this family (there are also Donuts for law, marketing, start-ups and tax). It provides practical, plain-speaking technology advice for businesses lacking IT know-how.
By combining Atom’s intimate knowledge of the small business world, my online expertise and insights from carefully chosen experts, we set out to create a uniquely helpful website.
From inception to completion
I’ve worked on the site since day one, helping create user personas, mapping out the information architecture and brainstorming content ideas.
I performed keyword research to identify likely sources of traffic, wrote most of the core content, interviewed experts for Q&A pieces and started blogging on the site.
The result? A comprehensive, information-packed website that demystifies almost every aspect of business IT. It’s attracted big-name sponsors and enjoy steady traffic growth.
I continue to develop content ideas, write blog posts and advice pieces for IT Donut.